Speaking of work... work killed my work ethic today. Yesterday, I must have been riding some sort of adrenaline buzz with the lack of sleep because I got a lot of things done after I got home from school. But today at work, man... things were s l o w. My computer at work is even slower :-( I was actually late leaving from work because my computer froze up, so I had to restart to plug in my hours for the day. Bummer.
I got home today to have an interesting dinner choice. Hot-dogs and CHILI. Yum/Barf. The Presidential Debate made me chuckle a fair amount. I really think it might be easier to have 4th graders running for president since all they do is point fingers instead of inspiring or leading. The two parties need to crumble and let two new parties form and renovate the country. My $0.02
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