Ah, the beginning of a new week. Thank goodness this is only a 4 day week. I'm already dreading the 5-day monster that is coming up.
Interesting day at work.
I got home, ran father than normal, did more pull ups, my ab stuff, added a new grip exercise, and then went skateboarding after filling up on tortellini.
I also made some progress with music. Slow, nearly painful, progress.
Today was also a wake-up-late day.
Kev and I worked on the pier some, then finished up the see-saw/teeter-totter. It's pretty x^treme. It goes pretty high up, probably 6-8 feet in the air.
Later on, Kelc and I went bowling. I bet if I had not worked on the pier, I would have played a lot better. At least I got some more work on my left-handed skills.
Woke up late today. Can't really say that I've felt like this in a while.
Kelc and I grabbed some Rudy's for lunch, watched some 24 and did chores, then kinda sat around until the I.C. benefit concert. Good show, great job everybody who played.
Late today, we went out to the lakehouse to get away for a while.
Ah, the weekend is here.
I'd just like to say that 4 beers is definitely a bit more than I remembered. Then again, I had nothing in my stomach and had been up for 22 hours... so that could have something to do with it.
Today I went to a really awesome presentation titled "The Natural Philosophy of the Theory of Everything" To summarize, it was about the evolution of physics and how we as human beings are definitely showing advanced thinking capability... and how we've gone down to what makes up matter, what makes up atoms.. and what makes up the stuff within that. Essentially as you "zoom-in" or "zoom-out", there are alternating waves of high concentrations and empty spaces. To explain this a bit better, lets think outside of earth for a bit; our solar system is huge besides the large distances between planets, if we clump it together-practically surrounded by nothing.. then there is our galaxy which is a clump of stars- also kinda surrounded by nothing. Now lets go down to atoms; a proton's diameter is 1,000,000 times smaller than the diameter of an electron's orbiting cloud-plenty of room in there.
Essentially, physicists consider matter (or mass) to be just energy (kinda what Einstein's theory of relativity states). The things in life that we consider to be substance are really just a positive and negative energies waiting to recombine.
Also, even when we are touching something, in actuality we are feeling electromagnetic repulsion. We never actually 'touch' anything.
All in all, good presentation that was presented very well. I feel like I've already come to terms with a lot of the conclusions aforementioned, but there was a lot of other substance that was new to me. (Kinda like how gravity is not really there)

Well, hump day is winding down. How the heck is it already past mid-week? Well, I kinda already know the answer to that question; I didn't work Monday and part of Tuesday.I need to hurry up and plug in the new hard drive I got a few weeks back and make sure there isn't anything wrong with it. A trillion bytes... 8 trillion bits... and a whole lot of formatting time.I spent most of the evening playing around with some things musically. I think writing percussion parts is fun and creative, but after hearing a beat repeat over and over I feel like it doesn't have the same magic. Probably just being picky. I still need to write up the percussion parts, adapt some guitar riffs, write up some lyrics, and redo some vocals.
*sigh* I need to push hard to get this done... only 2 months behind schedule. Oh, and my brother+dad made an agreement to do some TV shifting; we now have a 52" in the living room, and my brother has a 40 or 42" in his bedroom. The real question is... does size matter?
Came in work late today. Even though I was late, I felt like I accomplished a ton today. I'm starting to get really excited about this project.And I gave Roro a ride home. We live deceptively close to each other. We should carpool or something.
Took the day off of work because I am not feeling well....ambulance!
Not too much happened today. There was a free concert or something...Got to hang out with Ray and Matt once more before they both departed.
I woke up and got my tired changed today.
Then later, Kelc Ray Matt and I went out to Kelc's lakehouse to have some fun. The water was much colder than one might imagine. Although Matt was actually able to swim all the way across without a problem.
Yum+1. Got to have the infamous crawfish etoufee.
Tonight should be interesting. I wasn't able to hang out with Ray and Matt last night since they were pretty stretched for time.
H-diddly-ump Day.
Actually, since this is a four-day week for me, it already feels like a downhill slope to the weekend. Very nice.
After work, I packed up a few things and headed out to Kelc's lakehouse. We just relaxed most of the time, worked a bit on some teeter-totter.
This weekend should be interesting; some distant relatives are in town.
For lunch, Habibi Kelc and I had Fire Bowl, yum.
I went to get my oil changed, wasn't expecting to wait an hour for that. Bummer. To fill the time, Kelc and I went to TacoC for dinner.
Not much else happened today, even though it was St Patty's.
Back to the grind. Really feels like the weekend blew right past me.
Work was uneventful for the most part. Kelc is in town, so I grabbed some Boston Market lunch with her. I'm excited that this is a short week.
Once I arrived at home, Kelc and I went for a small jog around the neighborhood to celebrate the beautiful weather. Then we prepared a big stir-fry for dinner. After that, we went to my house to chill, and I cleaned my room and took a shower. It's weird how I don't really get sweaty from running.
Grillin' time. We grilled up some burgers and brats for lunch. I always like to experiment with the flavors in my meat, so I put some Louisiana hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce all over. So good.
Kelc and I had to leave somewhat early in the day. Later in the evening we went to see Monty Python's Spamalot at UT's Bass Concert Hall. It has to be the best musical I've ever seen. That doesn't mean it was completely awesome, but definitely something I enjoyed. (Very unusual for a musical, I hate them)
Oh noes, time for sleep... work tomorrow.
Stayed up way late last night, so breakfast was around 1-2pm.
Kelc, Ray and went to see Slumdog Millionaire. Not bad, but too long for my liking.
Later Marisa woke up and we went out to dinner at Jose's, a place just a block or so away.
Oh, and happy PI-day.
Today was supposed to be a quiet day at work, but people had to come in and support a new project that is still starting up.
I wish the weather was getting better; it has been gloomy for the past few days.
Kelc came in to town, she is on spring break now. We went out to dinner, and spent some time with J&H. Then decided to head off to college station...
The works days seem to be magically getting longer. I don't know how much longer I want to keep this up. At least the wheels are starting to turn on the project they have me on.
When I arrived home, I was amazed to see a package from Japan waiting for me to open it. Oh what could it be?
Today was a rainy and gloomy day.
For lunch, I went out with some work people because it was one of their b-days. We went to Twin Peaks. Maybe I'm just used to it or something, but I wasn't that impressed with their outfits. I can easily see 'better' downtown or during Halloween.
I picked up an awesome amp from a guy on craigslist. He threw in some gear that I didn't even want. Yay for street dealing.
Next thing I know... it's late. Time for bed.
Another day, gone and away.
What was it, that i had done today?
'Not much' what I would say,
For today, the sky was low and gray.
That did not mean I had no fun,
just an unfortunate lack of sun.
This blog is almost over and done.
Oh, and a spoonful weighs a ton.
199th blog, woo!
Too bad there isn't too much that happened today.
I did, however, ghetto-rig up a talk box. It's working pretty good, but I need to switch out some parts.
Woke up and grabbed some breakfast. The packed up and headed out.
Amazing how a couple days can make you feel extremely dirty.
We went out for lunch to Pluckers, then to the mall to fix Kelc's watch. Then home for a mini nap.
Later on, we watched Coyote Ugly. :ugh:
Beds feel amazing.
Today we went on a hike, and got lost. The trails were marked on the trails themselves, but not on the map. Great.
We didnt have to trek very far to get out though, so no big deal.
Lunch and dinner were excellent. Actually, the whole day was excellent, until a huge party decided to set up camp not far away from us. They made noise all night long.
Wow, it is hard waking up when you know you don't HAVE to go to work.
I got up reasonably early still, needed to go buy things for the trip. I spent just about all of my day preparing things and organizing.
Next thing I know, Kelc shows up and we load everything into the vehicle and head out.
WINDY. It wasn't horrible setting up the tent, but the ground definitely has rocks. Lol Austin.
What a beautiful, peaceful night.
Today I spent a lot more time packing for the trip. Preparing last-minute things, planning stuff... ya know.
Kelc and I watched Little Children long distance. It was ok. I wouldn't say it is very symbolic though...
Yay another day.
Not much happened. Worked on music some.
Today was "square root day". Didn't really know that until after the day was over, but hooray...
Work was exceptionally boring.
I came home from work and ran, then cooked a huge stir-fry meal. Yum. I'm going to take leftovers to work tomorrow.
I had a glaring error in yesterday's blog. I apologize for that.
I feel rather accomplished from today. I did a fair amount of things at work. I cleaned out a camping stove, did my own laundry, went running, shopped at wallymart for camping gear and food, and cooked dinner.
What did my brother do? Came home, snacked on some food, watched tv. Bravo.
I think this week might start to get rough to get through; I'm way too excited about it being over already.
Rise and shine... to Kill Bill vol2. There are so many aspects to that movie that I didn't really pick up on when I originally watched it. Very well done.
Kelc and I walked to blockbuster to drop off the movies, an epic 20 minute excursion. Then we mostly 'window-shopped' our way back home, which was much less than epic. A ton of shops in the multiple centers were closed up for good, and a handful were closed early because it was Sunday.
The most promising thing turned out to be a let-down. There were huge white letters across the roof stating "Record Shop". Sad that I will never get to see said record shop.
Later, the couple couples went to El Chico for dinner. Kelc wins the prize.
Hmm... it's 10:30p already, I guess I'll head back to ATX now.
Well, Kelc had a test to take, but I slept right through that while she got up, got ready, took a nap, left, came back, and then went back to sleep.
I woke up around 11:30-12ish I think. Kelc's sis and her guy left onto bigger and better things. Schlotzsky's was for lunch, mmm.
I'm sure we did other random things throughout the day, but I forgot what most of that was.
Later, Joshy and Lily and us, went to TGIfridays. I got kinda sloshed on a feminine tropical mojito :-P Then we went to blockbuster to pick up Kill Bill vol1+2; we got through all of 1 then went to bed.
Today was my second Friday on the new project. It's always weird in this new area, yesterday was their 'Friday' and now nobody was in my office area.
I was definitely excited to go home, I got to meet up with friends and fun for most of the night. The happy couple and I were on a team for Cranium, RayRay wasn't really even playing though. Thanks RayRay.
Then I decided to go ahead and make the drive to Arlington. Arrival time? 6am. bamf?