Monday, October 13, 2008

2008.10.02 Thursday

Some might say I danced with the devil today; others say I'm excersizing some options. In reality, I expressed my interest in MS by going to an interview. The guy I spoke with was really nice, and works on a rather large team. This was actually the second-most technical interview I've been to. I interviewed with C.C. a year or so ago, and they really quizzed me hard. Alas, I came out showing that I had actually learned something from my education, but another candidate had more lab experience than I did, so I was denied.
Ugh face -- I have been studying for a test all day, and I'm not really that close to finishing (it's 11pm at the time of writing), go me! The weekend is so close that I'd rather think about that. Won't be around for the CP game (if there is one), UT
plays Colorado away, and Steelers play Sunday night. I just want to record music and do nothing all day, maybe play around with electrons. Work ethic has been shot.

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