Friday, May 20, 2011

2011.05.20 Friday

I fear that every time I type out the title to a post on Friday, that I'll start singing that one song. *shudders*

Work was here, then not. The week wrapped up nicely.

After work, I spent a few hours doing some yardwork. I was up next in the rotation. This time around, I went a little above and beyond the standard duties. To me, it was getting a little unsightly to see dead parts of a bush start to mold over. Also, the weeds seem to be withdrawn from the yard, so I'm not so worried about anything jumping into the potted plants. When all was said and done, things were looking pretty nice. And what do you know... perfect timing too. A nice small shower rolled through in the later evening

Speaking of shower, I went ahead and did that since I worked up quite a sweat.

I spent a chunk of the evening researching bands for ACL. There are quite a few that I don't know much about, but I'm getting more excited about the festival every day. Also had a small jam session with Habs.

Went over to Kelc's to hang out. We went on of our classical Taco C runs. After that, went back to her place to watch the season finale of The Office. I'd have to say that it was one of the better ones I've seen in a long time. And yeah, it was ok not having Steve.

Went home, played some games while enjoying adult beverages. The gaming took a noticeable performance hit rather quickly. Sleepy time.

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