Monday, May 9, 2011

2011.05.09 Monday - Plant Doomsday

Didn't feel like I had much energy when I woke up today. Went to work just like normal. Somewhat a mistake. I acquired some pepper sprouts from Mark on Saturday, and only watered them Saturday night. They went all of Sunday without any attention, and now will be going most of today without attention. Yikes.

On the plus side, we did go out for lunch today to Ichiban. I had the chicken fried rice. Most everybody else had sushi or sushi rolls.

I wrapped up work faster than normal, which wasn't difficult because today has been pretty segmented already.

I arrived at home, sure enough the pepper sprouts did not look good. Also, my upside-down tomato plant committed suicide. The sprouts were in dire need of water. The tomato plant just snapped at the base of the main stem. I guess that breed really does not like being upside down. It did have a 80 degree turn after 5 inches. At least I have one more plant, and can say that I tried an experiment. Maybe next year I'll try another strain.

I cleaned up my room some. Kelc came over later and we started work on learning a song. This might turn into something interesting...

Cooked up a micro dinner of cous cous and hummus, then watched a smallville (or two). They started integrating Super Girl into the story line. I'll just leave this here...

Nighty night.

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