Sunday, August 9, 2009

2009.08.07 Friday - Hawaii

I didnt get to sleep much on the plane. Ugh.

We didnt catch the direct flight to Austin, or the one to Dallas. Well this isnt turning out well. Then luck struck, Kelc Kev and Gary got out on the next Dallas flight. Oh snap, there's another flight 15 minutes later... and we made it.

In DFW, we sat around. Flights were delayed and there were roughly hourly flights to AUS. Amazingly, we all got on the same flight to Austin.

Got home, unpacked some, talked some with the fam. Kelc's mom and Kelc made some fajitas for dinner so I went over there to eat. I'm so mentally and physically exhausted, yet I can't sleep. Mmm sleeping medication.

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