On the way back to the room, we spoke to the front desk about our intentions. Turns out we need to g-t-f-o pretty soon. We blew past this random 11am checkout time, and nudging closer to noon. Yikes.
Kelc and I did some checking and decided that we need to depart for the flights sooner than expected. Only enough time to go out to lunch (Sweet Tomatoes) and leave.
At the airport, I had to change clothes in the bathroom. There was an interesting situation happening in there: a kid was stuck in the stall, and couldn't unlock the door. The solution: a janitor started smacking the door with one of those half-sized brooms. I wanted to face-palm and laugh out loud.
Went through security and had to go through a backscatter machine. Woo hoo, extra radiation for everyone. Also, Woo hoo, naked picture of me on a computer somewhere. I should start up a career in the adult industry soon.
We didn't make the first flight out, so we grabbed a snack at Chili's To-Go. Switched over to a Tampa-Chicago flight because those looked more open, then hoping that I can squeeze on to a Chicago-Austin flight.
We had about an hour of layover in Chicago O'Hare airport, so we went to the only location of b-Cool smooties.
Made it home to Austin, grabbed our bags and headed on our way.
Interesting thing happened when trying to pick up my car...the parking garage was surrounded by police cars. We creeped the car around and eventually a guy waved us over to talk. Apparently they were doing some training exercises in the building. As I walked to my car, I could hear dogs barking in the floors above me. Creepy, and odd.
Home, sleep.
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