Monday, December 6, 2010

2010.12.06 Monday

Well, I found out that I have a TPMS on my car. Good to know that something is monitoring my tires. But that also means I found out that my tires are low on air, so I had to sit out in the cold watching them inflate.

By the time I was on the road heading to work, there was some sort of major backup on the normal highways, so I had to find an alternate route, and got to work much later than expected.

Work was highly uneventful. Around the end of the year, things are either in a scramble to finish, or there is nothing to do. So far I've flip-flopped between those two extremes twice.

At home, cooked up a bunch of potatoes for dinner and watched some Monday Night Football. The Patriots were dominating too much, so the game became pretty boring to watch. I guess I shall study for my final exam instead...

Plus a little minecraft to relieve the stress.

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