Friday, April 1, 2011

2011.04.01 Friday

Work was difficult today. APRIL FOOLS! Didn't have work today. Booya.

Woke up and picked up some car parts and things.

Went home, started cracking into some panels and unscrewing bolts and whatnot. I ended up stripping the hell out of a nut that holds up a measly bracket. At least I still was able to finish the job. Here's all what I did:
- Replaced cabin air filter
- Replaced air filter
- Replaced wiper blades
- Got car inspected
- Washed car

I didn't really spend much time online today. Normally there are a bunch of cool April Fool's jokes or things going on. Guess I just disconnect whenever I'm not at work.

Met up with Rudy for dinner. Yeah, Rudy from college. I haven't seen that guy in forever. Well, we actually made it a couples date, Rudy and Christine, myself and Kelcey. We went out to Z Tejas for dinner and drinks. That was my first time going there. After dinner, we went to Amy's Ice Cream for dessert.

Twas a good night.

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