Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2012.06.11 Monday (Temper Trap)

Last night, I had a pretty interesting and terrible dream.  The goal I had in my dream was to get everybody into bed to get some sleep.  For some reason, someone was always getting up and making noise or other non-sleeping activities.  Finally I got everybody in bed, then I woke up.  I glanced at my clock and it was 1 minute before my alarm was set to go off.  How unsatisfying.  The moment I think I'm about to get sleep (while sleeping), and I wake up.

Kelc dragged me out to the Temper Trap concert.  I can't say that I'm terribly excited about it.  I understand their style, but it doesn't mesh well with me.  I like something that isn't afraid to get in your face and smack you with awesomeness.  The way they sing and play is like a tease the entire time.  Just belt it out already.

Walked around downtown to meet up with another of Kelc's coworkers: Stephen at a bar.  The bar is the type that I would generally not go to, but I will say it was an interesting experience.

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