Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012.05.26 Saturday (Kalen's bday)

Spent the day celebrating Sir Kalen's magical birthday extravaganza.

Went over to Tyler's and played some impromptu Loaded Questions.  Among the questions, the consensus is that the N64 is the most favorited gaming console.  We broke off into discussions about favorite games and why it was just an amazing console.

Left in the afternoon to the park to play volleyball.  We lucked out and found a group of 6 to counter our group of 6.  They were a pretty fun group to play with, until some people started getting really competitive and upset about losing.  At the end of one game, a dude semi-tackled one of the girls, then kicked sand all over her.  Dude... no.  It was just a friendly game.  We later swapped a few people around to dissolve any internal tensions among team members.  Tyler was the saboteur.

Rested with some lounging around the park.  Drank some refreshing gatorade.  I've noticed that gatorade has this new numbering system for their drinks, depending on when you are drinking relative to physical activity.  I feel like they are doing a terrible job implementing the 3-drink system.  I have only seen drink 02, which is the "perform" drink... aka the normal gatorade flavors/recipe.  Where are 01 and 03?

Played some some soccer.  Some puking.  Maybe we aren't in the best shape.

Over to CiCi's pizza for dinner, with the bonus of "Telephone Pictionary" to play while eating.  Good combination in my opinion.  I highly recommend bringing something along to do whenever going to a buffet now.  If you just focus on eating, you eat and then feel terrible.  Activities are a nice distraction to pace yourself against.

Back to Tyler's for "Busy Streets", then home before it was too late because Kelc had to work.

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