Most definitely slept in some today.
Habs said I might as well do some other radio station sampling as well. Here's what I have on KLBJ from Nov 10 through Nov 16.
# of songs played: 1517
Average # of songs played per day: 216.71
# of unique artists: 129
# of unique songs: 499
Top 10 Artists Played:
#1 - The Rolling Stones - 55 plays
#1 - Led Zeppelin - 55 plays
#3 - Aerosmith - 54 plays
#4 - Van Halen - 45 plays
#4 - AC/DC - 45 plays
#6 - Boston - 42 plays
#7 - The Who - 41 plays
#7 - The Doors - 41 plays
#9 - Def Leppard - 39 plays
#10 - ZZ Top - 37 plays
#10 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - 37 plays

Top 10 Songs Played: #1 - Take It Easy by Eagles - 7 plays
#1 - Rock 'n Roll Fantasy by Bad Company - 7 plays
#1 - Riders On The Storm by The Doors - 7 plays
#4 - You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC - 6 plays
#4 - You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi - 6 plays
#4 - Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who - 6 plays
#4 - Walk This Way (Live) by Aerosmith - 6 plays
#4 - Tush by ZZ Top - 6 plays
#4 - Tom Sawyer by Rush - 6 plays
#4 - Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd - 6 plays
... (33 tracks tied with 6 plays)

Some observations:
- KLBJ also has issues with tagging on their system. You would think an artist that is "classic" would have their names stored correctly by now.
- Comparing the graphs to KROX, you can see that there is less overplaying of specific songs, but they stick to specific artists instead. I guess those artists are either in the club of "classic rock", or not.
- KLBJ plays, on average, less songs than KROX. While this could be something along the lines of more commercials on one station versus the other, I really don't think this is the case. Both stations have shows that take large chunks of time, and those songs aren't documented on their feed. Also, KROX plays music during the morning show, KLBJ doesn't. Just different.
I hope you enjoyed that. Habs and I discussed possibly automating some of this data collection. We both agree the hardest part will be grabbing the data and stuffing it into a database without making any errors. Once it is in a database, we could make charts and graph of pretty much anything, allowing people to judge their favorite radio stations in a different, mathematical light. I think it would be fun, and if designed correctly, could be flexible to pull in all kinds of radio station data. Nerds.
I went over to Kelc's for a while to check out some new flooring they had installed. The house is now very resonant. We watched the Oklahoma State game, which they ended up losing. Craziness. Back home, played games while people downstairs poker'd.