Big ol' hump day.
So person driving an Infinity M35 with license something like PF2-979: you are an idiot. Please stop wasting gas by poorly executing the already unsafe condition of tailgating. Not only should you back the F off people, but stop flooring the accelerator and then slamming on the brakes when you are a couple inches from the back bumper you are about to hit. I'll admit that there are a couple times where cutting things close in driving can save you a few minutes on a cross-town commute, but seriously chill out. Work is not that important. If you are late, they will not kill you. Deciding to drive like an A is putting yourself, and more importantly, innocent others in harms way.
I woke up fine today, but for some reason I just kept wanting to hit the snooze. Time to bust out some good ol' instant coffee. I totally weened myself off this stuff, and most high-fructose drinks.
Lunch today was some Yakisoba Spicy Chicken Flavored Noodles. I think it costs like $1.30, not bad. And the protein content wasn't too bad either. I'm sure the sodium levels were beyond standard detection methods.
Played some kickball after work. The game was tied up in the last inning 4-4. We were defense first so all we had to do was hold them to guarantee a tie. Well, one could say we let the ball drop on that. The final score... 4-10. :-(
Hot dogs and pb&j for dinner. Zzz.
Now walk it out.
Lots of impromptu meetings today. Not exactly what one desires, but hey it happens.
Went to the gym for lunch, been a few days since I did that. I decided to try and push my limits a bit. I did small sets on bench, but kept increasing the weight each set. I stopped adding weight at 135lbs and still did 4 reps with it. Here I had thought that I lost ground with my weightlifting abilities, but I suppose it isn't as bad as I thought originally. Nice to be able to bench your own weight comfortably :-) I also pushed myself to do a lot more ab workouts and some leg stuff.
It's a good thing I didn't read any news articles before working out. That USC guy dropped the weights on his neck and had to have emergency surgery. Probably would have died if his neck wasnt so muscular and had spotters to help him out. Maybe I should make sure somebody is around before I push my limits.
Made some Mac and Cheese box for dinner. Costing about 60 cents for the box, and maybe another 30-40 cents for the butter+milk. Also ate some chips and pickles. I'd say that I comfortably filled up on about 2 bucks. Wish I could convince myself to cook something decent, but at least I'm eating inexpensively.
Played some foosball, then went to get some groceries so I won't have to over the weekend. Somehow I came home with more food than previous trips to the store, but spent just a tiny bit more than usual.
Watched some of The Office and It's Always Sunny, then an early bed time for me.
I'm getting tired of waking up tired but going to bed feeling fine. Something has to be wrong with my ability to get quality sleep.
Work picked up today. Learned a good handful of information. I'm sure this week will get more crazy.
Lunch was a healthy choice beef pot roast soup. About two and a half dollars. I think it contained 270 calories for the whole container, and a fair amount of protein.
Dinner consisted of some green beans that I managed to mess up a little, some pepperoni pizza (feel like I've had this too much lately), and some tempties.
I met up with my family to pick up some stuff and socialize. I convinced my mom to learn how to drive a stick. Amazingly enough she didn't stall her first time going. Well done mother.
Dropped off some camping gear at Kelc's house, then was on my way home again. Feel like this week has a lot going on. Let the good times roll.

Slept in late today. Those pitch black curtains really throw off the sleep schedule.
Lunch consisted of Waffle House. This was followed by some NFL viewing, some more board/card games, cleaning, then pizza.
Korey and Josh left in the early evening to head home and get ready for more school. Kelc and I sat around and watched more tv, goofed around.
The drive home went by much faster than I thought it would. I stopped for a drink and stopped right before home to fill up with gas. Wowzers, 35.6mpg! My car is only rated to get 29mpg on the highway.
Big week ahead.
Work up a few times during the night. Air mattresses totally distribute forces all over the place. We were able to keep the fire going through the night.
We packed up and left. Only a short drive to 'home'.
Nizza Pizza was for lunch. Watched some football games and relaxed in air conditioning. For dinner we went out to PF Chang's, very fancy shmancy.
Then we played some games through the night. I hate Taboo.
Ahoy, the end of yarrrrrr week is near. Buccaneer.
Lunch today: Zen Japanese Cuisine ~$8
Work, yawn.
Drove to Arlington after work. I expected we would be heading to the campsite shortly since we made awesome time, but I was wrong. We took our time, then went out to dinner, then went camping. We actually drove up to the campsite around 9:55 and the park closed at 10. Very nice.
Got our tent set up, got a good fire goin, got our s'mores roasting. Listened to the bug chirping. Somehow it felt like we were up all night, and we still went to bed at a reasonable time.
More meetings today. I think I see what's going on here...
Lunch: Popeye's strips (3) was roughly $7.5
Dinner: Red Barron Fire Baked Pepperoni Pizza ~$4
I haven't had much fast food lately, definitely slowing me down today. I feel like it's harder to breathe now that I had it for lunch.
Watched some tv, organized some music stuff, ran some errands. Peaceful life.
Most of my hump-day meetings got shifted around. Oh what a day.
Decided I wanted to start tracking how much I spend on food in different aspects of life.
Lunch: Nissin Chicken Flavored Noodles ~2 bucks
Dinner: Wing Stop with Trey ~10 bucks
I converted a bunch of albums over to mp3 in the evening to make sure my listening for the weekend will be fresh.
The rain is coming. Prepare the masses.
Work was less than epic. I went to the gym and got a good workout going. Most people were really busy or not even here today.
Got home and mopped the floor. Feels a lot smoother now, although it should probably be mopped again soon. The water was looking pretty gross about 3/4ths of the way through.
Cooked some blue box Mac and Cheese. I think I messed up something because the finished food tasted pretty bad. I ate about 3/4ths of it and tossed the rest. Sad to throw away food, but I wouldnt recommend eating that. I snacked for most of the remainder of the evening.
I took a mini nap after eating, then spent most of the evening in my room listening to music.
Got up early to drop Kelc off at the airport.
Work went rather smoothly. Mondays always seem to require some adjustment.
Got home and cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, made dinner, and cleaned my room. Then i fell asleep on the couch.
Watched some of the office, researched new music. I like finding new music, even if its old it can still be new to me.
Watched more of the Office.
Left to pick up some Rudy's bbq for lunch and watched football most of the day. Chased the chicken a bit too.
Mostly uneventful day, but much needed relaxation.
So glad I'm not dealing with a hangover today. The keg was floated around 1:30a, which gave people the hint to either switch to punch and spend the night, or switch to water and leave by 2.
Watched some Office, then went to firehouse subs for lunch. Watched the Green Herb show during lunch.
Went over to Kelc's house to take her brother his car. Cleaned out the coop, it was completely disgusting. Ran some errands then went back to my house to watch what was left of the UT vs Tech game with Ray and Marisa.
Good to see friends.
Went home to get the truck, picked up a Foosball table, picked up a keg, shopped for an outfit, went to Sam's, and went to HEB.
Geez I need a nap. Oh wait, having a party so never mind. Party was a blast, new faces, old faces, dirty faces...
Busy busy.
The end is near! The end of another work week. The beginning of free time, new experiences and meeting people will soon be underway.
Crawfish Etoufee was better than last week, although the turnout was less than usual. Met some new guys at work, might go golfing with them in the near future. Good since the weather finally cooled down some.
Went out to dinner with my family at Olive Garden. We all had the never-ending pasta bowl.
Did some driving around, picked up Kelc who just got into town.
The pinnacle of the week has dawned. Meetings ensued.
I have some wicked lower neck pain. I should probably go to a chiropractor soon and get some alignment.
Got home from work, just going to goof around until kickball time I guess.
Kickball was fun. I ended up always kicking when there were 2 outs and instantly getting the last 3rd out. Go me. Oh and I also never played outfield before and let some balls get past me. Amazingly enough, we still got the W.
Stayed up late doing things around the house, posting pics on facebook, 'n stuff.
Went to the gym today for lunch, then doubled up my lunch intake. Yum. Kung Pao noodles and Garlic Herb Chicken... so much sodium.
After work, stopped by Walgreens for some gloves then made some dinner. Went up in the attic to scout out some drop areas. Did some chore stuff.
More or less a peaceful evening.
Somehow, after I get a weekend of sleeping in, I'm able to handle a few hours of sleep right before Monday and I feel fine until about lunch time. Then the rest of the week typically sucks.
Work was meh.
After work I helped Habibi with his bike, then went shopping for groceries. Pretty sure I can feed myself for over a week on about $50 bucks of groceries. Makes going out seem like a waste of time AND money now.
Finally, Shipley's for breakfast. Been a long time.
Watched the Cowboy's dominate the Buccaneer's, then went to get that chair again. This time it all worked out.
Went back to radioshack for another universal remote that was again, not so universal.
Out to Kincaid's for dinner, watched some TV, then the long trek home.
Slept in pretty well today. Helps having black-out curtains.
Went to Sweet Tomatoes for breakfast, not the best decision. They have an awesome all-you-can-eat buffet with natural organic foods, and its very vegetarian-friendly. Only problem is my lack of appetite in the morning.
Next we were going to try and get a chair that is across town, but the rain and timing proved to be difficult to work around.
Then we went home and watched the UT vs Wyoming game. All I have to say is wtf @ 1st half. The refs were doing a pretty good job of favoring Wyoming.
Watched TV for the rest of the day. Went to Wing Stop for dinner, and to Radioshack for a universal remote that was not so universal.
8 years ago this day... a tragedy occurred on American soil.
For not being tired last night, I sure felt like crap this morning. What is wrong with my body.
Habs spilt coffee on himself this morning, so he had to change shirts. Pretty funny actually.
Storms came rolling in, shut down parts of I35; the road I took to Arlington. I found a break in the storms to leave, but it still took me about 5.5 hours to get there. Ugh.
Linds cooked dinner, awesome. Then we went out to Chili's for dessert, then sleep.
*Never Forget*
Inside Job?
Ugh face. Feels like the week should be over, but it's not.
Had a one-on-one meeting this morning about software that is super old. Ate a Healthy Choice Chicken Tortilla Soup for lunch. So far, every easy microwave lunch that I've gotten that originally sounds good actually is pretty terrible; the ones I get by accident end up tasting the best. Just something to watch out for, anything that has noodles in it that are pre-cooked and sitting on a shelf...will probably taste like butt.
Steelers played tonight. Good game to start off the season. Ping pong'd it up.
Went to bed not really that tired, again.
What does this date signify? Absolutely nothing. Pick any point in time and start counting, when you reach multiples of 100 celebrate. Yeah, that's what I thought, it's silly.
Apparently some people think today's date is something special, enough to hijack a plane. What is wrong with people these days? There's got to be a better way to get your message out than to threaten innocent people and cause media uproar. As if this nation doesn't already have enough fear mongering.
Clean Balls and Dirty Hose. We totally tied our first kickball game. Grant is a bamf, and everybody is pretty darn awesome as well.
Home for dinner and slumber.
Super groggy this morning. Things will pick up I'm sure.
And then they didn't.
Took my car in for an oil change. Before I realized it they were done. 20 mins? dang son.
Enjoyed a nap, wrote some music, had a headache.
What is a labor day? I feel like all my days are labor day, in the sense that I work to keep sustaining things. Oh well, I like not having to go into work.
Woke up at the lakehouse, watched some Office. Must have slept in rather late :-D Went to Kelc's house to take care of some chicken stuff (which I still deny knowing anything about) and pick up things at Target. Pizza for lunch, then off to my house to watch more Office.
The boys and I went over to HEB and picked up some steaks. Turned out to be one of the best steaks I have cooked on my own. Not bad! Ping-pong tournament ensued.
Today is lakehouse day. Might be one of the last few times to go out on the boat this year. Why? Well for one, the lake has shown no signs of getting any higher. Two, the dock guy needs to come and pull out the dock before its permanently stuck on the land.
Watched some tubing, I'm still not quite up to do that anymore being so weak. I did however try kneeboarding and wakeboarding. Still got it, except I know for sure I'll be sore tomorrow.
Ribs and various meat for dinner. Apples to Apples was an unsuccessful game. A bit of ping-pong, touch of pool, and then zzzzz.
Well, Kelc got her first hangover. Surprised she hasn't gotten one of these before. I cooked some bacon and toast for her, help recuperate faster.
Today was supposed to be news day for Kev, but he's already in the loop. It's sad.
Mostly took it easy today. We ordered the football game on PPV. Longhorns win 59 to 20. Plucker's was a good choice :-) Ray and I went to go listen to music, then we went back to join the group... and the house was empty. wtf? Turns out they all went for ice cream.
A little bit of beer pong and taco c, then called it a night.
Definitly relaxed some today. Ran some errands, went places, did things.
At night, had a group of people over to hang out. Turned into one crazy night of fun. To say the least, nobody drove home. :-P
Most odd dreams the past few times. I dreamt of taking my car in to the mechanic, and having a horrible time driving standard transmission. I couldn't figure out what was wrong; when I woke up, my sheets were all kicked off from my awesome clutch work.
Even though I had that extra nap and a decent amount of sleep, I still feel like poop in the morning. What's up with that. Why can't I feel re-energized in the morning. Oh well, crawfish etoufee day. Had a pretty decent sized group come out.
Not much else happened. Kelc and I started watching the show Weeds. I see potential there.
First day to carpool, yay for saving the world. Oh snap, it's hump day already.
What does hump day really mean? For me, meetings. My entire morning was consumed by them.
After work consisted of leftovers, some goofing around, and a nap. Found another folder that I need to tidy up.
Dehydrated. That's the first thing that came to mind after my alarm went off. My mouth was dry, my eyes were dry, and my skin was dry. I don't remember being in a desert; what's up body?
Dry. The word of choice to describe most of my work day as well. Went to the gym to get back into routine. I missed all last week because I'm a slacker. Also had a meeting that was slightly on the weird side, but understandable.
Made some hamburger helper for dinner. Delicious! I felt like eating more and more but I'm sure my body would hate me, so halfway through I switched to carrots. Leftovers for tomorrow...
Finished tagging a folder of music I have with the album art and year and everything. I should feel accomplished, but meh. I also started writing more music. This current song I'm working on is slow and peaceful, almost puts you in a trance state.