Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2010.10.13 Wednesday

Hump dizzle. Work went mostly smoothly. I still feel like I learn more about the business every day. And I also found out that a coworker pretty regularly trades and sells things in the stock market. Time to poke and prod to learn more about that so I can invest more effectively for the future.

After work, I spent some time cleaning the bearings of my skateboard. Here's a series of pictures oh what that is like for 1 set (there are 8 on a typical skateboard).

After that, went off to play kickball against Pitch Please. Both teams had a few mistakes, but ours just gave up more runs. Maybe next week will be different. Also, I felt like I had a ton of energy this evening/night. Ran around playing football and having fun. Feeling like a kid again.

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